Page 16 - 博诺米集团产品资料
P. 16

680000                                680000-2                             670000
                                    FIRE SAFE ISO 10497                   FIRE SAFE ISO 10497                  FIRE SAFE ISO 10497
                                  Valbia actuator serie 82
                                                                         Available with flanged
                                                                        ends, welded ends or custo-
                                                                           mized ends

            “符合API6D/API608/ISO17292的分体式浮动球阀。     造。等级ANSI 150#-2500#,API 2000 - 10000 PSI。
            锻造或铸造阀体。ANSI  150#-2500#。  最高达6”、碳    最高达48”。碳钢、不锈钢及镍合金。
            钢、不锈钢和镍合金。”                           Trunnion mounted ball valve, Split Body, to API6D/
            Floating ball valve Split Body to API6D/API608/  API6A.  2/3  piece  forged  Body.  Rating  ANSI  150#-
            ISO17292.  Forged  or  cast  body.  ANSI  150#-2500#.   2500#, API 2000 - 10000 PSI.
            Available up to 6”, carbon steel, stainless steel and   Available up to 48”. Carbon steel, stainless steel and
            nickel alloys.                        nickel alloys.

                 690000        790000                                  780000-2

                                  FIRE SAFE ISO 10497                     FIRE SAFE ISO 10497
                               Valbia actuator serie 82
                        符合API6D/API608/ISO17292-                                       等级ANSI 150#至2500#。最高达48”。
                        BS6364标准的顶装式浮动球                        符合API6D/BS6364标准的分      Trunnion mounted ball valve, Welded Body, to API6D.
                        阀。                                     体式固定球阀,带适用于超低           2/3 piece forged carbon steel body. Rating ANSI 150#
                        该阀可选配适用于-196°C  的加                     温-196℃应用的加长阀盖,压力        to 2500#. Available up to 48”.
                        长阀盖。压力范围ANSI  150  #                   范围ANSI150#-2500",最大尺寸
                        -2500  #,尺寸最高达6”。不锈                    可达24“,不锈钢和镍合金材质
                        钢及镍合金材质可选。                             可选。
                        Floating ball  valve Top Entry to      Trunnion mounted  ball valve
                        API6D/API608/ISO17292-                 Split  Body  to  API6D/BS6364.
                        BS6364.  With  the  option  of         With extended bonnet suita-
                        extended  bonnet  suitable  for        ble for cryogenic service down               LOCPOWER
                        -196°C - 320°F.    ANSI  150#-         to -196°C-320°F.  ANSI  150#-
                        2500#.  Available  up  to  6”.         2500#.
                        Stainless steel and nickel             Available  up  to  24”.  Stainless
                        alloys.                                steel and nickel alloys.

                                                        V-Ball         VP0F/T

                                                        VP1-L          VP2-L
                                                        VP1-G          VP2-G

                                                        VP1-C          VP2-C
                                                        VP-B           VP-C

                                                                         FIRE SAFE ISO 10497

            已获专利的控制球阀VP-L(适用于不可压缩液体)、VP-G(适用于可压缩液体)和VPB/C(多用途)。分体式浮                    规格DN80  (3”)至DN600  (24”),  PN16-100/ANSI  150#-
            动球最大为6”,固定式阀球尺寸范围为2”至48”。V型球有30/60°、60°、90°以及自定义开口。可另外提供低温版                600#。有碳钢、不锈钢及镍合金三种材质。
            本。                                                                         Patented,  linear  control  ball  valve  energy  harvesting
            Patented control ball valve VP-L (for incompressible fluids), VP-G (for compressible fluids) and VPB/C (multipurpose).   with internal turbine, size DN80 (3”) to DN600 (24”),
            Split Body Floating ball to 6” and Trunnion mounted 2” to 48”. V-balls are available with 30/60°, 60°, 90° and   PN16-100/ANSI 150#-600#. In carbon steel, stainless
            custom openings. Available also in cryogenic version.                      steel and nickel alloys.

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