Page 13 - 博诺米集团产品资料
P. 13

                                 EUROBLOCK                            B-HEAT                              EURO
                                 EUROBLOCK                            B-HEAT                               EURO

                                                 平衡阀,防脱锌黄铜,带螺纹接口,可用于调节加热               减压调压阀,配置符合UNI EN 10226/1的平衡阀
                                                 系统的流量。                                座,双F/M螺纹。
                                                 Balancing valve, in dezincification resistant brass with   Pressure reducing and regulating valve with
            全通径止回阀,F/F UNI EN 10226/1螺纹。         threaded  connections,  for  the  flow  rate  regulation in   balanced seat according to UNI EN 10226/1, double
            Full bore check valve, F/F UNI EN 10226/1 threaded.  heating systems.      F/M threads.
                               300200                                 300200                               300302
                                 EURO-FILL                            EURO-FILTER                          EXPO

                                                                                      带平衡阀座的减压阀,出口设置范围为1.5至6 bar之间,
                                                                                      Pressure reducing valve with balanced seat, outlet
            带压力计的自动给料机,符合UNI EN 10226/1。         自清洁过滤器,100微米网孔,带螺母和管接头。              setting from 1,5 to 6 bar wit upstream 400 micron
            Automatic feeder with pressure gouge,   Self-cleaning strainer, 100 micron mesh, with nut and   flow filtering system, connections with nut and union,
            UNI EN 10226/1.                      union.                               double F/M threads.
                                  300400                              R151                                 5F0200
                                 MAGNETO                                                                   TURBO IRON

            冷凝式锅炉使用的磁性污垢分离器,螺纹接口符合               直线式螺纹锥体。                             双环快装压缩管接头,采用UNI EN 10226螺纹和梯
            ISO 228-G 3/4”,带阀门和接口。               Straight male taper.                 形截面最高为PN50/MOP5的弹性密封件。
            Magnetic  dirt  separator  for  condensing  boilers,                      Double loop quick-assembling compression fitting
            threaded connections according to ISO 228-G 3/4”,                         with UNI EN 10226 threads and elasto-mer seal with
            with valve and connection.                                                a trapezoidal section up to PN50/MOP5.

                                  541200                              500000                                593100
                                 TURBO PUSH                           TURBO PRESS                          TURBO PRESS

            采用UNI EN 10226螺纹的多层管道和管接头系统。         碳钢卡压接头,配置UNI EN 10226螺纹和LBP系统。       用于卫生级配给的模块化线性歧管,内置箱体。
            Multilayer pipe and fittings system with UNI EN 10226   Carbon steel pressfitting system with UNI EN 10226   Modular linear manifold for sanitary distribution with
            threads.                             threads and LBP system.              built-in box.

                                 535800                               9390                                 510200
                                TURBO PRESS GAS                       FIDO-CASA                            TURBO STEEL

            多层管道、管接头及气体阀门系统。                     UNI 7129规范,带euroconus阀座。             碳钢卡压接头,配置UNI EN 10226螺纹和LBP系统。
            Multilayer pipe, fittings and valves system for gas.  Built-in full bore ball valve for gas, copper connections   Carbon steel pressfitting system with UNI EN 10226
                                                 and inspection box according  to UNI 7129 specifications   threads and LBP system.
                                                 with euroconus seats.

                                 521200                               5G3200                               5N9100
                                 TURBO INOX                          TURBO INOX GAS                        TURBO CUNI

                                                 用于气体装置的不锈钢卡压接头,符合UNI 7129,带
            不锈钢卡压接头,配置UNI EN 10226螺纹和LBP系        UNI EN 10226螺纹。                      Disco止回阀,PN16,无焊接法兰,直接与液体接
            统。                                   Stainless steel pressfitting system for gas   触。
            Stainless steel pressfitting system with UNI EN 10226   installations according to UNI 7129 with UNI EN   Disco  check-valve,  PN16,  flanges  without  welding,
            threads and LBP system.              10226 threads.                       directly in contact with the fluid.

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