Page 28 - 博诺米集团产品资料
P. 28

RB3525                                                RG5240
                                                 SERIE 3000                                            G-SIZE

                 铜制内螺纹/外螺纹外延部分。                                         铜制F/F缩径接头。
                 Bronze male/female thread extension.                   Copper F/F reducing coupling.

                                                 RR9130                                                HT9002
                                                 FRABOPRESS                                            FRABOPRESS

                 铜制F/F/F大尺寸T型接头。                                        铜制F/F 90°弯头。
                 Copper F/F/F big-size tee.                             Copper F/F 90° elbow.


                   RS9001                      RS8090

                  FRABOPRESS                   FRABOPRESS               铜制、青铜制,不锈钢制和碳钢卡压接头带有 Securfrabo 专利安全系
                  KOMBI                        KOMBI
                                                                        Copper, bronze, stainless steel and carbon steel pressfittings with
                                                                        Securfrabo patented security system. If the fitting is not pressed, the
                                                                        particular shape of the O-ring immediately shows the water leakage,
                                                                        this way each possible problem can be spotted before the activation
                                                                        of the system.

                   ZX0002                      ZC0271

                  FRABOPRESS                   FRABOPRESS
                  316 V                        C-STEEL V

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