Page 26 - 博诺米集团产品资料
P. 26


               1. 业务部门

             Fra.Bo  可生产全套铜制和青铜制管接头、不锈钢和碳钢制卡压接头、铜和青铜制焊接管接头、黄铜制压缩管接头、以及青铜、铜和钢制
             而为了更好地满足客户需求,Fra.Bo 特别组建了管道、工业、OEM三个部门。已获专利的 Securfrabo 安全系统一定程度上代表了 Fra.
             Bo 在卡压接头领域技术积累和创新水平,目前该系统即将采用非卡压接头。
             本文档中各个产品可以根据完整代码、通过查阅本目录、访问网站或者在 Fra.Bo 销售部门的帮助下进行辨识。

               1. Business divisions

             Fra.Bo produces a complete range of copper and bronze, stainless steel and carbon steel pressfittings, copper and bronze solder fittings,
             brass compression fittings and bronze, brass and steel threaded fittings.
             We are present in the world with a basic philosophy: to be where our customers are. Only in this way we can play an important role
             for companies that seek not only reliable components in line with the regulations and standards of the different countries, but also
             international partners, able to support them quickly and effectively.
             For this reason, to better meet our customers’ needs, Fra.Bo has the following 3 divisions: plumbing, industrial and OEM.
             Example  of  Fra.Bo’s  know-how  and  innovation  in  pressfittings  is  Securfrabo  patented  security  system,  which  immediately  shows
             non-pressed fittings.
             Each product in this document can be uniquely identified by the complete code, chosen by consulting this catalogue, by visiting the
             website or with the assistance of Fra.Bo sales department.
               1.1 管道部门

             管道部门可处理各种适用于小型、中型或大型水体装置或气体装置的 Fra.Bo 系统。

                   1.1 The plumbing division

             The plumbing division deals with the different kinds of Fra.Bo systems suitable for small, medium or big water or gas installations.
                   1.2 工业部门

             工业部门负责 Fra.Bo 系统在工业制冷、通风空调、工业自动化、专业设备、海洋工业及医疗气体分配系统等领域的安装工作。从全面质

                   1.2 The industrial division

             The industrial division deals with the installation of Fra.Bo systems in fields such as industrial refrigeration, ventilation and air conditioning,
             industrial automation, professional plants, marine industry and medical gas distribution systems. The realisation of specific products is
             carefully analysed in a vision of total quality management.

                   1.3 OEM部门


                   1.3 The OEM division

             The OEM division deals with the analysis, the development, the engineering development and the production of small metal parts on
             customer request. It is possible to produce in different materials such as copper, bronze, brass, stainless steel and carbon steel.

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