Page 7 - 博诺米集团产品资料
P. 7


                   The companies of the group are engaged  in the  digital transformation,  from R&D to
                   production, to sales and marketing, to the relationship with the consumer through CRM,
                   with a fundamental presence of high specialized human capital.

                   • ISO9001,1994年获得产品质量管理体系认证,是意大利第一家获得该认证的公司
                   (旧版EN 29002认证)。
                   • ISO14001,2001年获得环境管理体系认证。
                   • ISO45001,2004年获得职业健康安全管理体系认证。
                   • ISO50001,2015年获得能源管理体系认证。
                   • API6D,2013年通过管道阀门规范认证。
                   • API6A,2009年通过井口和采油树设备的规范认证。
                   • AEO/AEOF,2014年完全获得认证经营者资格(关于货物进出口海关手续的内部管理)
                   Bonomi has always deemed it important to adapt its company management system to the
                   international reference standards:
                   • ISO9001, products’ quality management system, since 1994, first company in Italy in our market
                   segment (previously EN 29002 certified).
                   • ISO14001, environmental management system, since 2001.
                   • ISO45001, occupational health and safety management system, since 2004.
                   • ISO50001, energy management system, since 2015.
                   • API6D, specification for pipeline valves, since 2013.
                   • API6A, specification for wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment, since 2009.
                   • AEO/AEOF,  Authorized  Economic  Operator  Full  (internal  management  of  customs
                   procedures relating to import and exports of goods), since 2014.

                   集团是 Welstep 商业网络的创始成员之一。2019年,Rubinetterie Bresciane 在PMI福利指
                   Bonomi Group thinks as a team with its employees, promoting their sense of belonging
                   through the lever of  “feeling good” in the workplace, providing employees with a gym,
                   promoting courses for thousands of hours, rewarding them with advancements of career,
                   introducing corporate welfare projects, designed primarily for employees but also involving
                   more and more local companies. Bonomi Group is one of the founding members of Welstep
                   business network. In 2019, Rubinetterie Bresciane was awarded as the second best
                   company in Italy at PMI Welfare Index.

                   环保和可持续生产:工厂所需的电力主要由光伏板(1.8  MW)生产;  所需热力主要是通过内
                   部地热发电站获得;  建筑解决方案,如棚顶,夏季最大化利用天顶光,同时减少太阳辐射;  生
                   产过程中使用的环保产品; 废物回收系统(油,水,材料等)消除环境污染与危害。
                   Environmental commitment and sustainable production:  the electricity needed is
                   produced mainly from the photovoltaic panels (1,8MW); the heat is obtained mainly through
                   an internal geothermal plant; architectural solutions, like shed roofs, maximize the zenithal
                   light and minimize the solar radiation during summertime; low environmental impact products
                   used in production processes; wastes recycles processes (oils, waters, materials, etc.)
                   eliminate pollution or disposal hazards.

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