Page 34 - 博诺米集团产品资料
P. 34

节流阀-CHOKE                              节流阀-CHOKE                                  闸阀-GATE

            固定式节流阀:手动节流阀,固定阀孔,易更换                   针式节流阀:可调阀芯喉径,带圆柱孔的针形                 平板式直通闸阀:平行表面和浮动阀座,线性动
            阀内件,建议用于标准/低压应用。                        塞,建议用于低压差应用。                         作,建议用于高压应用。
            Positive Choke valve: manual Choke valve, fixed   Needle&seat  Choke  valve:  adjustable  orifice,   Gate slab through conduit valve: parallel faces
            orifice, easily replaceable trim, recommended for   needle  shaped  plug  with  a  cylindrical  bore,   and floating seats, linear action, recommended
            standard/low pressure applications.     suggested  for  low  differential  pressure  for high pressure applications.

                          节流阀-CHOKE                              节流阀-CHOKE                                 闸阀-GATE

            外笼套筒式节流阀:可调阀芯喉径,外部圆柱形                   内柱塞和笼套式节流阀:可调阀芯喉径,内部圆                撑开式平行双闸板闸阀:可扩展护窗和平行表
            护窗和带有径向孔的圆柱形阀笼:通过阀笼外侧                   柱形阀塞以及带径向孔的圆柱形笼:通过笼内阀                面,线性动作,建议用于粘稠和脏污应用。
            护窗的运动实现控制。建议用于高压差、关键应                   塞的运动实现控制,带单级或多级阀内件,建议                Double expanding through conduit Gate  valve:
            用和有抗侵蚀要求的应用。                            用于高压差和控制气蚀/噪声的应用。                    expandable shutter and parallel faces, linear
            Choke valve external sleeve&cage: adjustable   Internal plug&cage Choke valve: adjustable   action, recommended for viscous and dirty
            orifice, external cylindrical shutter and cylindrical   orifice,  internal  cylindrical  plug  and  cylindrical   applications.
            cage with radial holes: control is obtained by the   cage  with  radial  holes:  control  is  achieved  by
            movement of the shutter outside the cage   the movement of the plug inside the cage single
            Recommended  for  applications  with  high   or multistage trim, suggested for applications
            differential pressure, critical applications and   with high differential pressure and control of
            resistance to erosion.                  cavitation/noise.


                                                    Choke  rotating  disk  valve:  adjustable  orifice,  the
                                                    trim is composed of two discs (one fixed and one
                                                    rotating), recommended for applications with low/
                                                    medium differential pressure.

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