Page 34 - 卡麦隆-燃气全焊接球阀
P. 34  Kamailong Valve                                                                                                                                                                                Butt-welding    Kamailong Valve

         Focus on Manufacturing Welded Ball Valve   Ends                                                                                      注(1)     37.5 +2.5  o    1.6+0.8               19+2              37.5 +2.5 1.6+0.8

                                                                                                                                                                            B     A        注(1)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          B     A
                                                               Kamailong Valve   53  54

                                               DN65-250                                         DN300-450                                                             DN500一800                                          DN850-900
             管子公 管壁     焊接端部外径                                 管子公 管壁     焊接端部外径                                                       管子公 管壁     焊接端部外径                                 管子公 管壁     焊接端部外径
             称规格 厚度     Welded-end out diameters               称规格 厚度     Welded-end out diameters                                     称规格 厚度     Welded-end out diameters               称规格 厚度     Welded-end out diameters
             DN   系列号  锻造或     铸钢阁门                            DN   系列号   锻造或    铸钢阁门                                                  DN   系列号   锻造或    铸钢阁门                            DN   系列号  锻造或     铸钢阁门
             Pipe  注(1)  加工组件  注(2)A      B   C 注(3)   t       Pipe  注(1)  加工组件   注(2)A     B   C 注(3)   t                             Pipe  注(1)  加工组件                 C 注(3)           Pipe  注(1)  加工组件                 C 注(3)
             nominal  Seried                  C  Note(3)       nominal  Seried                  C  Note(3)                             nominal  Seried    注(2)A     B             t      nominal  Seried    注(2)A     B            t
             specifi-  of pipe  注(1)A  Casting                 specifi-  of pipe  注(1)A  Casting                                       specifi-   注(1)A  Casting        C  Note(3)       specifi-   注(1)A  Casting        C  Note(3)
             cation   schedule Forged or  steel valve          cation   schedule Forged or  steel valve                                cation   of pipe  steel valve                     cation   of pipe  steel valve
             DN                                                DN                                                                      DN   schedule Forged or                           DN   schedule Forged or
                  thikness  manufactured  Note(2)  A                thikness  manufactured  Note(2)  A                                      thikness  manufactured  Note(2)  A                thikness  manufactured  Note(2)  A
                   note(1)                                           note(1)                                                                      components                                       components
                        Note(1)  A                                         Note(1)  A                                                        note(1)   Note(1)  A                              note(1)   Note(1)  A
                   40    73.0     75    62.5   662.93  5.16         STD    323.8    329    305   306.08  9.53                                STD   508.0    516    489   490.28  9.53          10    863.6    876    848   848.70  7.92
                   80    73.0     75     59    59.69  7.01
              65                                                     40    323.8    329    303   304.72  10.3                                XS    508.0    516   482.5  484.74  12.70
                   160   73.0     75     54    55.28  9.35           XS    323.8    329   298.5  300.54  12.71                                40   508.0    516    478   480.55  15.09         20    863.6    876    848   840.34  12.70
                   XXS   73.0     75     45    47.43  14.02                323.8    329    295   297.79  14.2                                 60   508.0    516    467   470.88  20.62    850  30    863.6    876    832   834.77  15.88
                   40    88.9     91     78    78.25  5.49      300  60    323.8    329    289   292.17  17.48                          500   80   508.0    516   455.5  461.13  26.19
              80   80    88.9     91    73.5   74.53  7.62                                                                                   100   508.0    516    443   450.02  32.54         40    863.6    876   828.5  831.97  17.48
                   160   88.9     91    66.5   68.38  11.13          100   323.8    329    281   285.24  21.44                               120   508.0    516    432   440.29  38.10         10    914.4    927   898.5  889.50  7.92
                   XXS   88.9     91    58.5   61.19  15.24          120   323.8    329    273   278.31  25.40                               140   508.0    516    419   429.17  44.45
                   40    101.6   105     90    90.52  5.74           140   323.8    329   266.5  272.75  28.58                                                                                 20    914.4    927    889   891.14  12.70
              90                                                                                                                             160   508.0    516    408   419.44  50.01
                   80    101.6   105    85.5   86.42  8.08           160   323.8    329    257   264.25  33.35                               STD   558.8    567    539   541 .08  9.53    900  30    914.4    927   882.5  885.57  15.88
                   40    114.3   117    102    102.73  6.02         STD    355.6    362   336.5  337.88  9.53                                XS    558.8    567    533   535.54  12.70
                   80    114.3   117     97    98.28  8.56                                                                                         558.8    567    514   518.86  22.23         40    914.4    927   876.5  880.02  19.05
             100   120   114.3   117     92    93.78  11.13          40    355.6    362   333.5  335.08  11.13                                40
                   160   114.3   117    87.5   89.65  13.49          XS    355.6    362    300   332.34  12.70                                60   558.8    567   488.5  507.75  28.58
                   XXS   114.3   117     80    83.30  17.12          60    355.6    362   325.5  328.15  15.09                          550                                             注:(1)字母代号为:(a)S丁D二标准壁厚
                   40    141.3   144    128    128.80  6.55     350  80    355.6    362   317.5  321.22  19.05                               100   558.8    567    476   485.52  41 .28
                   80    141.3   144    122    123.58  9.3           100   355.6    362    308   312.86  23.83                               120   558.8    567    463   474.41  47.63                        (b)XS=加厚
             125   120   141.3   144    116   1 18.04  12.70         120   355.6    362    300   305.93  27.79                               140   558.8    567   450.5  463.30  53.98                        (c)XXS=特加厚
                   160   141 .3  144    109.5  1 12.47  15.88        140   355.6    362    292   299.00  31.75                               160   558.8    567   590.5  591 .88  9.53       (2)所列直径为非要求尺寸,此处列出为使用者提供方便。
                   XXS   141.3   144    103    106.92  19.05                                                                                 STD   609.6    619    584   586.34  12.70
                   40    168.3   172    154    154.82  7.11          160   355.6    362    284   292.07  35.71                               XS    609.6    619    581   583.59  14.27       (3)DN5。及更小规格连续垫环不考虑内部机加工。
                   80    168.3   172    146.5  148.06  10.97        STD    406.4    413   387.5  388.68  9.83                                 40   609.6    619   574.5  577.97  17.48
             150   120   168.3   172    140    142.29  14.27         40    406.4    413    381   383.14  12.70                                60   609.6    619   560.5  565.49  24.61
                   160   168.3   172    132    135.31  18.26         60    406.4    413    373   376.21  16.66                          600   80   609.6    619   547.5  554.38  30.96
                   XXS   168.3   172    124.5  128.85  21.95         80    406.4    413   363.5  367.84  21.44                               100   609.6    619    532   540.49  38.89   Note: (1)Characters stand for: (a)STD=Standard schedule thikness
                   40    219.1   223    203    203.75  8.18     400  100   406.4    413    354   359.53  26.19                               120   609.6    619   517.5  528.03  46.2                        (b)XS=Thickened
                   60    219.1   223    198.5  200.02  1031          120   406.4    413   344.5  351.18  30.96                               140   609.6    619    505   516.91  52.37                       (c)XXS=Super thickened
                   80    219.1   223    193.5  195.84  12.70         140   406.4    413   333.5  341.43  36.53                               160   609.6    619   490.5  504.37  59.54       (2)A11 the diameters are not reguired size, just be convenient for
             200   100   219.1   223    189    191.65  15.09         160   406.4    413   325.5  334.50  40.49                          650   10   660.4    670   645.5  645.50  7.92          users
                   120   219.1   223    182.5  186,11  18.26                                                                                  20   660.4    670    635   637.14  12.70           (3)Gasket rings for DN50 and below Size are not consided to
                   140   219.1   223    178    181.98  20.62        STD    457.2    464    438   439.48  9.53                                 10   711.2    721   695.5  696.30  7.92          manufacture.
                   XXS   219.1   223    174.5  179.16  22.23         40    457.2    464    432   433.94  12.70                          700   20   711.2    721    686   687.94  12.70
                   160   219.1   223    173    177.79  23.01         XS    457.2    464   428.5  431.19  14.27                                30   711.2    721   679.5  682.37  15.88
                   40    273.0   278    254.5  255.74  9.27          60    457.2    464    419   422.82  19.05                                10   762.0    772    746   747.10  7.92
                   60    273.0   278    247.5  249.55  12.70         80    457.2    464   409.5  414.46  23.83                          750   20   762.0    772   736.5  738.74  12.70
                   80    273.0   278    243    245.55  15.09    450                                                                           30   762.0    772    730   733.17  15.88
             250   100   273.0   278    236.5  240.01  18.26         100   457.2    464   398.5  404.78  29.36                                10   812.8    825    797   797.90  7.92
                   120   273.0   278    230    234.44  21.44         120   457.2    464   387.5  395.03  34.93                          800   20   812.8    825   787.5  789.54  12.70
                   140   273.0   278    222    227.51  25.40         140   457.2    464    378   386.77  39.67                                30   812.8    825    781   783.97  15.88
                   160   273.0   278    216   221 .95  28.58         160   457.2    464   366.5  376.99  45.24                                40   812.8    825    778   781.17  17 48
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