Page 7 - 永诺(浙江)过滤器材有限公司产品手册
P. 7

公司概况  04                                                     公司概况                                            05
 COMPANY OVERVIEW                                             COMPANY OVERVIEW



 永诺精滤,Yongnuo Precision Filtration,简称 YPF。品牌隶属于永诺(浙江)过滤器材有限公司,是国内丙纶

 Yongnuo Precision Filtration, YPF for short. The brand belongs to Yongnuo (Zhejiang) Filter Equipment Co., Ltd.,
 which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zhejiang Yongning Filter Cloth Co., Ltd., a leading domestic polypropylene
 filter cloth company. Adhering to the concept of "Create a better future with filtration efficiency!", we provide reliable
 products and services for customers in the high-end separation industry. Relying on the strong technical background
 and resource advantages of the parent company, and the best partners in the industry, we will build a leading
 intelligent manufacturing factory for the filtration industry and launch advanced and reliable filtration products.
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