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Yongjin Casting



                                                                          Yongjin Casting

 公司简介  Chairman:  Zhang Yong Jin
 Company Profile  Jiashan Yongjin Metal Products Co., Ltd. is a precision casting manufacturer specializing in the production of high-quality stainless
            steel, carbon steel, alloy steel and other materials. Founded in 2009, it covers an area of 12,000 square meters, there are more than
            100 employees and has more than 10 engineers and technicians. Our company adopt international advanced casting process --- sol
            investment casting process, is a specialized in investment casting medium-sized enterprises, the annual production of precision casting
            and all kinds of material casting is more than 1,000 tons. When meeting the domestic demand, we also export to Europe, America, Japan
            and many other countries.
            The company is located in Taozhuang Industrial Zone, Jiashan, Zhejiang Province, next to the historic town Xitang and Tongli, and close
 2009 年,占地面积 12000 平方米,现有员工 100 余名,并有工程技术人员 10 余名。公司采用国际先进的精铸工艺 --- 硅  to Sujiahang highway, Husuzhe highway, Shenjiahu highway, and the 318, 320 national way. The location is beautiful and with convenient
 溶胶熔模精密铸造工艺,是国内一个专业从事熔模铸造的中型企业,年生产各材质精密铸件及各类铸件成品 1000 余吨,
            The new enterprise has built a modernized factory with 3,000 square meters , equipped with large-scale new energy saving casting
 在满足国内众多厂家需求时还出口欧美、日本等许多国家。   production  lines  and  imports  finishing  milling  machine,  CNC,  three  coordinats  measuring  system  ,  and  the  industry's  advanced  and
            complete  testing  equipment:  spectrum  analyzer  ,  optical  microscopy,  tensile  testing  machine,  low-temperature  impact  testing
 公司位于中国江南水乡的浙江省嘉善县陶庄工业园区,旁依江南古镇西塘、同里,紧靠苏嘉杭、沪苏浙、申嘉湖等高  machine, ultrasonic flaw detector, hardness and so on. The above equipments are fully available to provide high-quality rough castings
            and finished products to clients, while ensuring to meet customers' physical and chemical properties of materials, such as full testing
 速公路和 318、320 国道,景色秀丽,交通便捷。   requirements.
 企业拥有新建的 3000 多平方米的现代化工厂,大规模新式节能环保的铸造生产流水线和进口的数控车床、铣  The application of our products is very broad,covering the valve & pump parts, machinery, hardware, electrical and mechanical
            equipment, kitchen supplies, pipe fittings and other industries. Various grades of stainless steel, carbon steel, and alloy steel
 床、CNC、三坐标检测等设备,而且拥有本行业先进完备的检测设备:光谱分析仪、金相显微镜、拉力试验机、低温冲击  material,produced 1000 kinds of products. In order to win business efficiency and social benefits, we implement modern enterprise
            management, and actively promote the institutionalization of management, process-oriented, and fully implement the ISO9001 and CE
 试验机、超声波探伤仪、硬度计等。上述装备完全能确保提供给客户高品质的铸件毛坯及成品,同时能确保满足客户对材  certification system management, and import 6S, performance management, lean manufacturing, and other advanced management
 料的理化性能等全方位的检测要求。   We uphold the quality business philosophy "concerning about customers’ expectations, strengthening quality management, continuous
            improving and innovating, creating casting boutique", and vigorously promote the spirit of enterprise "integrity, pragmatic, efficient and
 本公司产品的应用十分广泛,几乎涵盖了阀门泵体、机械五金、机电设备、厨房用品、管件接头等行业。各种牌号的  innovative". Wholeheartedly welcome the merchants throughout the world.
 不锈钢、碳钢、合金钢系列材料规格达几十种,各类产品品种达 1000 多种;企业推行现代化管理模式,积极推进管理制度化、
 流程化,全面实施 ISO9001 和欧盟 CE 认证体系管理,并导入 6S、绩效管理、精益生产等先进管理模式,以求企业效益与


 Yongjin Casting 永金金属   1 /2                                                           我方可根据客户来图来样定制。                                                            We can make according to customer’s special drawings or samples.
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