Page 2 - 德国法兹宣传册
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FineSky GmbH is one of the most professional water treatment companies who provides water treatment
           solutions with superior quality to household, commercial and industrial users all over the world. FineSky has been
           persisting in its exquisite craftsmanship and pursuing innovative water filtration technology which makes FineSky
           the world leading water treatment company. The product line includes backwash filter, water softener, water
           purifier, POU  water filters, water purification dispenser and etc.
              德国 FineSky 法兹全屋净水由 Julius Dopslaff 先生 1936 年创立的工厂研发制造,总部位于德国 Stuttgart (斯图加特),拥
           有超过 86 年的净水经验,是全球权威的专业水处理设备制造公司之一,生产基地遍布德国、比利时、韩国、中国等。
           Julius Dopslaff 先生作为德国卫浴暖通及管路行业的领军人物,毅然投身到市政供水水质优化的事业中来,并带领研发团队成
           国权威机构 DVGW 的严苛认证。

                                                                                           Julius Dopslaff 先生

           In 1936, the R&D team and factory were founded in Germany.
           1936 年在德国创立研发团队及工厂。

                                                                                    In 1951, the sediment separator was
                                         1952                              invented (the embryo model of backwash filter)
                                                                                        1951 年颗粒物杂质分离器研制成功

           In 1952, the brand new water filtration system was launched
           on the first ISH exhibition. (The most influencial exhibition   1962
           sanitary and HVAC in the world)
           1952 年全新净水产品亮相首届德国 ISH 展

                                                                                            In 1962, the whole-house
                                                                                        water pre-filter was invented.
                                         1975                                           1962 年中央前置过滤器研制成功。

           In 1975, the water pre-filter with
           backwashing function was successfully invented.               1983
           1975 年反冲洗中央前置过滤器研制成功。

                                                                                    In 1983, the dual-tank regeneration
                                         1985                            water softener approved by DVGW was launched.
                                                                          1983 年经德国 DVGW 权威认证的双罐再生软水机上市。

           In 1985, the automatic backwash filter withtiming function
           was created.
           1985 年成功研发设计了全自动定时反冲洗中央前置过滤器。                                 2009

                                         2016                               In 2009, the intelligent programming dual-tank
                                                                     regeneration water softener was successfully launched.
                                                                       2009 年智能编程、平行双罐循环再生软水机成功研发并上市。

           In 2016, FineSky officially entered China market.
           2016 年 FineSky 正式进入中国市场。
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