Page 17 - 龙湖净化—宣传册
P. 17

龙湖市龙湖净化器材有限公司                                                       龙湖市龙湖净化器材有限公司
 Wuhu longhu purification equipment CO.,LTD                          Wuhu longhu purification equipment CO.,LTD

 活性炭纤维复合滤芯大胖系列                           纯碳纤维滤芯系列

 产。产品具有碳纤维和活性炭的双重效果,具有超强的吸附过滤能⼒,增加滤芯直径,增加吸附效果,  速度快。精细过滤杂质、异味、有机物、重⾦属、余氟等。软化⽔质,改善⼝感效果优秀!⼴泛应⽤于
                Using  high-quality  high  specific  surface  area  carbon  fibers  as  raw  materials,  the  fibers
 Using high-quality raw materials, the high iodine value coconut shell activated carbon and   have fine diameter, large specific surface area, well-developed microporous structure, large
 high  specific  surface  area  activated  carbon  fibers  are  scientifically  proportioned  and   adsorption  capacity,  and  fast  adsorption  speed.  Fine  filtration  of  impurities,  odors,  organic
 produced  through  advanced  technology  and  processes.  The  product  has  a  dual  effect  of   matter,  heavy  metals,  residual  fluorine,  etc.  Soften  water  quality  and  improve  taste  with
 carbon  fiber  and  activated  carbon,  with  super  strong  adsorption  and  filtration  ability.  It   excellent  results!  Widely  used  in  household  water  purification,  chemical  engineering,
 increases  the  diameter  of  the  filter  element,  increases  the  adsorption  effect,  and  adsorbs
            electronics, food, medical and health fields.
 impurities, odors, organic matter, heavy metals, residual fluorine, etc. to a greater extent. This
 product  does  not  produce  black  water  during  use,  and  one  filter  element  has  the  effect  of
                规格        ⻓度         内径         外径        流量             过滤精度            ⼯作压⼒       ⼯作温度
 concentrating the filter element, resulting in a long service life. Widely used in environmental
                10⼨      254mm      30mm       63mm       2L/m          5μm~20μm          0.4Mpa     ≤80℃
 protection, chemical engineering, electronics, electroplating, food, medical and health fields.
                20⼨      508mm      30mm       63mm       4L/m          5μm~20μm          0.4Mpa     ≤80℃
                30⼨      762mm      30mm       63mm       7L/m          5μm~20μm          0.4Mpa     ≤80℃

 规格   ⻓度   内径   外径   流量   过滤精度   ⼯作压⼒   ⼯作温度
 10⼨  254mm  30mm  110mm  3.5L/m  5μm~20μm  0.4Mpa  ≤80℃
 20⼨  508mm  30mm  110mm  8L/m  5μm~20μm  0.4Mpa  ≤80℃
 30⼨  762mm  30mm  110mm  12L/m  5μm~20μm  0.4Mpa  ≤80℃

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