Page 1 - 鍑懌绠¢亾绉戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃-浜у搧鏍锋湰
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1999  鍒涘缓瀹佹尝甯傚寳浠戜笁鍙嬫车闃€鍘傘€?                                            鍏徃鍙戝睍鍙?
      Established Ningbo Beilun Sanyou Pump&                    Company History
      Valve Factory.
                                                                涓撴敞绠¢榾浜屽崄骞?2000  涓嶆柇鐮斿彂鎶曚骇閿€鍞悇绫诲鏂欓榾闂ㄣ€?                                                                                                                              锛?鍘?锛氬畞 娉?鍑?閼?娉?闃€ 鍒?閫?鏈?闄?鍏?鍙?锛?2005  绠℃潗銆佺浠躲€佹车銆?                                                  FOCUS ON PLASTIC PIPE&VALVE FOR 20 YEARS

      Have been developing,producing and selling all
      kinds of plastic valves,pipes,fittings and pumps.

2006  鎴愮珛鈥滃畞娉㈠嚡閼车闃€鍒堕€犳湁闄愬叕鍙糕€?      鍦ㄥ悓琛屼笟鍐呯巼鍏堝彇寰楀帇鍔涚閬撶敓浜?      璁稿彲璇侊紙TS璁稿彲璇侊級銆?                                                                                                                                        CPVC

      Established Ningbo Kaixin Pump&Valve Co.Ltd and
      obtained the national pressure pipeline registration
      safety license (TS license) which is first enterprise in
      the same industry.

2008  鎴愪负涓煶鍖栦竴绾т緵搴旂綉缁滄垚鍛樺崟浣嶏紝                                                                                                                                                                 濉戣兌闃€闂?      鐮斿彂鎶曚骇DN800铦堕榾銆?                                                                                                                                                                                    PLASTIC VALVES
      Became a member fo SINOPEC鈥檚 first-class supply
      network and developed&produced DN800 butterfly

2009  鏂ュ法璧勫紩杩涚敓浜ц澶囷紝瀵硅€佷骇鍝侊紙妯?                                                                                                                             UPVC
2015  鍏凤級杩涜鎶€鏈敼鑹€?
      Improved old products(mold) along with huge invest-
      ment in the production equipment.

2011  鐮斿彂鎶曚骇 DN1000 铦堕榾銆?                                                                                                                                      濉戞枡绠℃潗

      Developed and produced DN1000 butterfly valve.                                                                                                      PLASTIC PIPES

2013  鎶曡祫8鍗冧竾鏂板缓鍘傛埧锛屼负鍏徃杩涗竴姝?                                                                                                                             PVDF
      椋炶穬澧為暱鎵撲笅鍩虹銆?                                                                                                                    锛?鍘?锛氬畞 娉?鍑?閼?娉?闃€ 鍒?閫?鏈?闄?鍏?鍙?锛?      Invested 80 million RMB new plant for the company
      to further leap growth lay the foundation.                                    瀹佹尝甯傚寳浠戜笁鍙嬫车闃€鍘?
2016  寮€閫氬畼鏂瑰井淇″叕浼楀彿锛屽皢鍝佺墝钀ラ攢                                                                                    NINGBO BEILUN SANYOU PUMP&VALVE FACTORY             濉戞枡绠′欢
      鐨勯噸蹇冧粠浼犵粺浜掕仈缃戣浆绉诲埌绉诲姩浜?      鑱旂綉棰嗗煙銆?                                                    鍦板潃锛氭禉姹熺渷瀹佹尝甯傚寳浠戝尯娓ゆ捣璺?39鍙?                                                                PLASTIC PIPE FITTINGS
                                                                鍑?閼叏 鍥?鏈?鍔?鐑?绾匡細4 0 0 - 9 9 5 - 818 8
      Opened the official Wechat Public account to transfer     缃?鍧€锛欻t tp://w w w.k
      the focus of brand marketing from the traditional         閭?绠憋細k xpv@k
      Internet to the filed of mobile Internet.
                                                                Add锛?539 Bohai Road Beilun锛孨ingbo City锛孼hejiang
2017  鎴?鍔?鏀硅壇鐮?鍒朵簡閫?鐢ㄥ瀷 铦?闃€锛岄€?鐢?                                   KXPV service hotline锛?00-995-8188                                                   PPH
      浜庡浗鏍囥€佺編鏍囥€佹棩鏍囥€佸痉鏍囩瓑鍥介檯铦?                                         Http://
      闃€閫氱敤鏍囧噯銆?                                                   E-mail锛歬                                                                                    濉戞枡娉?
      Improved and developed universal butterfly valve                                                                                                                   PLASTIC PUMPS
      to apply to all standards锛圖IN,ANSI,JIS standards锛?
2018  鍏徃鏇村悕涓衡€滃嚡閼閬撶鎶€鏈夐檺鍏徃鈥?      姝e紡涓婄嚎澶栬锤缃戠珯銆?
      Renamed "kaixin pipeline technologies co., LTD.";
      Officially launched foreign trade website.

2019  涓嶅繕鍒濆績锛屾湭鏉ュ彲鏈熴€?                                               涓枃瀹樼綉  official English  寰俊鍏紬鍙?                                                                          Website
      Never forget why started, the
      future can be expected.

                                                                                                                                                    涓撴敞 绠¢榾浜屽崄 骞?
                                                                                                                                                    FOCUS ON PL A S T IC PIPE &VA LV E FOR 20 Y E A R S
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